BRE 2017
BRE 2017 finance des stages internationaux pour les étudiants canadiens ainsi que des études / recherches au Canada pour les étudiants internationaux à travers le Commonwealth ainsi que dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire (PRFI) du monde entier.
Note : Les projets ci-dessous sont affichés dans la langue de travail de l’initiative.
Les projets suivants sont maintenant clôturés.
Projets universitaires - BRE 2017
McMaster University
Project title: Queen Elizabeth Scholars in Strengthening Health and Social Systems
Summary: Health and systems are responsible for getting cost-effective programs, services and products to the people who need them. By our count these systems cross 16 government sectors and program areas (e.g., community and social services, culture and gender, economic development and growth, education, and transportation) and all but three of the Sustainable Development Goals (with the exceptions being those addressing climate, water and land). The last decade has witnessed dramatic improvements in our collective abilities to strengthen health and social systems based on the best available research evidence, the systematically elicited values and preferences of citizens, and the insights of key stakeholders participating in evidence-informed and values-sensitive deliberative dialogues. The Forum, and its Forum+ initiative that broadens its reach beyond the health sector, have been at the vanguard of these efforts, both in its work in Canada and, through the supports it provides to a broad range of countries around the world.
The Forum proposes to collaborate with its closest partners internationally and with key educational programs at McMaster to identify, train, financially support, mentor and maintain connections among Queen Elizabeth Scholars committed to studying and supporting health and social system strengthening.
Mount Royal University
Project title: Sport Leaders International Internship Program
Summary: This project’s objectives are to: enhance the knowledge and skills of MRU students; create a new generation of enterprising young Canadian and Commonwealth citizens; help address the social and economic needs of the hosts’ organizations, communities, and youth through sport; and further build MRU’s and the QE Scholars’ networks and profiles. Through an innovative partnership, this project combines the strengths of MRU’s: Bachelor of Health and Physical Education (BHPE) program and Office of International Education, with Commonwealth Games Canada (CGC)’s international experience in sport for development and partners around the world. With a focus on children and youth, education, health, and gender, the project’s overall objective is to help strengthen a global community of young leaders through multi-year sport for development and sport development projects in Africa and the Caribbean.
With majors in: sport and recreation management, ecotourism and outdoor leadership, physical literacy, and athletic therapy, MRU’s BHPE program provides emerging student leaders with a foundation of skills which will add value to the projects’ host organizations. Through a unique, three-way partnership, MRU, CGC, and the in-country hosts, will provide youth leadership development opportunities for both the QE Scholars and the initiatives’ beneficiaries, in addition to education, health promotion, and gender equity programming.
Queen's University
Project title: Building innovative, community-driven solutions for people with disabilities
Summary: The International Centre for the Advancement of Community-Based Rehabilitation (ICACBR) at Queen’s University endeavors to improve access to health and social services for persons with disabilities and their families. The ICACBR applies principles of community-based rehabilitation (CBR), which provides training and support to the community to equalize opportunities and promote the human rights of persons with disabilities. The project will have an interprofessional education and networking component, which will enable Occupational Therapy (OT) and Physical Therapy (PT) students to hold 3-month internships with a rehabilitation partner site on the continent of Africa. Additionally, community leaders from QES eligible countries will be trained in leadership and innovation in international CBR projects through PhD coursework, a dissertation focused on CBR, and a community service commitment with the ICACBR
All QE Scholars will join an existing, active cohort of QE Scholars and alumni who are passionate about inclusion of people with disabilities. QE Scholars will be connected to one another through monthly cohort meetings, networking nights, and through an active social media strategy.
Simon Fraser University
Project title: Interns and Scholars for a Sustainable World
Summary: The Scholars for a Sustainable World program will support capacity-building and knowledge-sharing to further the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Collaborating with partner organizations from academia and civil society the project will build expertise and relationships for the next generation of Canadian, African, Asian and South American leaders to foster sustainable development in the areas of HIV research and policy and Health Promotion , Solar & Solar Cell Engineering, and Cultural Tourism.
Specifically, the project will fund scholars to complete research-based Masters of Science in Health or professional Masters of Public Health degrees; Master of Science in Engineering; and graduate certificates in Sustainable Development .
Internships for Canadian students will be offered in the fields of health promotion, cultural tourism, and in HIV policy. Interns will work with established partner organizations that have successfully collaborated with SFU faculty on international research and training projects including research institutes, health centres, and government departments.
St. Francis Xavier University
Project title: Immersion Service Learning in Ghana
Summary: This initiative will build upon an established international Immersion Service Learning (ISL) internship program and an existing partnership in Ghana for undergraduate students at St. Francis Xavier University (StFX). Scholars undertaking this internship will gain enormously from pre-departure training and post-experience de-briefs led by the Coady International Institute. With more than 50 years of experience engaging in community development in Canada and globally, the Coady Institute excels at leadership and community engagement skills development. The Coady Institute adds a dramatic enhancement to the depth of this experience for Scholars, ensuring that their learning is connected to Coady’s long track-record of leadership and community engagement capacity development.
In Ghana, Scholars will join our partner organization, Venceremos Development Consult (VDC), whose mission is to contribute to the development of human capital through teaching/training/coaching, and research in order to bring about qualitative transformations in society. QEScholars will be working with community-based organizations involved in mining impact monitoring, educational access, curriculum development, farming and community health projects, sustainable livlihoods, entrepreneur development, and wildlife conservation.
Université de Montréal
Project title: Renforcement d’un réseau mondial de jeunes leaders engagés pour le développement des communautés
Summary: L’École de Santé Publique de l’Université de Montréal (ESPUM), l’Observatoire de la Francophonie Économique (OFÉ) et l’Académie des Sciences sociales de la Chine (CASS) ont identifié la croissance économique, l’environnement et la gouvernance comme principaux domaines d’intérêt, en tant que déterminants prépondérants de la santé et du développement. Ces institutions de l’UdeM s’engagent à offrir un cadre optimal, ainsi qu’un appui et suivi de qualité, pour la réalisation des projets des boursiers, en valorisant les perspectives interdisciplinaires.
Les boursiers seront orientés dans l’identification des besoins des collectivités locales et des organisations partenaires. Ces jeunes leaders rejoindront le réseau des boursiers et anciens boursiers: la Communauté Étudiante en Santé mondiale (CÉSM). Il s’agit d’un groupe d’intérêt – fondé en 2015 par les premières boursières du programme BRE – qui déploie une multitude d’activités afin d’agrémenter et de densifier les réseaux de la communauté étudiante et professorale de l’Université de Montréal, regroupant toutes les personnes ayant un intérêt pour la santé mondiale (appelée aussi “santé planétaire”; entendue comme un état de bien-être global des populations, reposant sur une multitude de déterminants tant micro que macro, tels que l’environnement, la croissance économique et la gouvernance.
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Project title: Formation scientifique d’étudiants indiens pour la recherche en énergie durable et en sciences biomédicales – volet 2
Summary: L’objectif principal de ce projet est de solidifier le réseau de chercheurs indiens en énergie durable et en sciences biomédicales qui a été initié lors du premier programme BRE. Par la fin du projet, les étudiants auront obtenu leur doctorat dans le domaine de l’énergie durable, et en sciences biomédicales, ce qui se traduira concrètement en nouveaux chercheurs et professionnels dans leurs domaines ayant déjà une certaine expérience internationale.
Parallèlement à leur formation académique, les étudiants participeront à des activités de développement des compétences professionnelles nécessaires à tout bon chercheur, par exemple, des ateliers sur la rédaction d’articles scientifique, de gestion de projets de recherche, etc. Ils se feront aussi confier différentes responsabilités qui incombent habituellement aux chercheurs, telles que le recrutement, l’intégration et la supervision d’étudiants aux activités du laboratoire, et à la gestion de certaines parties de projets.
De plus, les boursiers seront invités à participer à la diffusion de leurs résultats scientifiques, en publiant des articles scientifiques dans des journaux révisés par les pairs ou en participants à des conférences nationales et internationales.
University of Alberta
Project title: Securing Our Shared Global Future: Student Leadership for Change
Summary: Graduating students interested in and competent to work in intercultural contexts; mindful and knowledgeable about their role as global citizens, and confident in their skills to advance themselves socially and professionally is part of the University of Alberta’s (UAlberta) commitment to students and communities.
Internships are developed by the host organization and are designed to contribute to the needs and goals of the organization in addressing key global challenges such as improving healthcare outcomes or enhancing the environmental sustainability of local communities.
Students will return from such diverse experiences with a deeper understanding of the complexity of global issues, the possibilities for addressing them and an appreciation of the future actions they can take to sustain their engagement in bringing about positive change.
University of Calgary
Project title: Young Leaders in International Development
Summary: Through this project, the University will partner with various organisations such as: the University for Peace (Costa Rica), the Centre for Urban and Regional Excellence (CURE) (India) and the Bahir Dar Institute of Technology – Bahir Dar University (Ethiopia)
Through the internships, scholarships, capacity building and leadership development, the program will develop knowledge and key skills in international development, ultimately strengthening a global community of young leaders. A significant outcome of this project will be that the interns and scholars, upon completion of the program, will become emerging leaders who are engaged in finding solutions to complex global development challenges.
University of Manitoba
Project title: Promoting Community-University Partnerships in Global and Indigenous Health
Summary: The University’s Ongomiizwin Research (a part of the Indigenous Institute of Health and Healing), the Centre for Global Public Health (CGPH), and the Department of Medical Microbiology (DMM) , in conjunction with the support of our academic and program partners in Australia, Belize, Colombia, India, Kenya, and New Zealand, as well as local Manitoba Indigenous program partners Nanaandawewigamig First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba, Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF), and Manitoba Inuit Association (MIA) will be creating a community of global inter-disciplinary and program-engaged scholars who will become leaders and advocates in global and Indigenous health. The focus of this scholarship program has been and will continue to be informed by community engagement, community-based participatory approaches, and program science principles. We will provide scholarships for Canadian student interns, and scholarships for visiting international graduate students from our partnering institutions.
University of New Brunswick - Fredericton
Project title: Addressing Health and Environmental Challenges from a Youth Perspective in Malawi and the Caribbean
Summary: This project will enable Canadian, Malawian and Caribbean youth to become tomorrow’s global leaders by building important networks, and developing the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to identify, understand, and address health and environmental issues.
Our established and successful collaboration with our partners will provide experiential learning opportunities for Canadian Youth and study/research opportunities for Malawian/Caribbean students to Canada where collectively we can address environmental and health issues from a youth perspective.
Canadian students will complete internships ocused on the environment /climate change and/or community health carried out within the academic environment and/or local community.
Incoming international graduate students will spend a minimum of one academic term conducting research or studying environment/health issues.
Scholars will share their experiences and contribute to UNB’s active QES community of undergraduates, graduates, Post-Docs, Researchers, faculty and staff across a diversity of disciplines, Faculties, Departments, and Institutes at UNB and Abroad.
University Of Ontario Institute Of Technology
Project title: Incubating Global Careers as Queen Elizabeth Scholars
Summary: The project will place Canadians in start-ups and social enterprises, at the incubation spaces of our partners. The project will allow graduate students to come to UOIT on exchange for study and research.
Our objectives in the project are: a) to create international work-integrated learning opportunities for UOIT students and incoming international students; b) develop leadership, entrepreneurship, and innovation skills for participating students; c) connect this global program to our local community, so that participating students make the connection between community development at home and abroad; d) build up a campus culture of « international engagement » at UOIT through the various on campus and community efforts of the QE Scholars, and e) strengthen our international partnerships through mutually-beneficial exchanges.
University of Prince Edward Island
Project title: Integrating Innovative Research & Training for Improved Sustainable Livelihoods of Smallholder Dairy Farms – Phase 2
Summary: UPEI will be working with the Buuri Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society (1620 smallholder dairy farmer members), with womens’ groups, and primary schools in Buuri Constituency, Kenya; as well as Farmers Helping Farmers (FHF – local NGO with 35 years of experience in Kenya as well as the University of Nairobi and Kenyatta University. This project has two objectives:
1) To develop Canadian and Kenyan veterinary and nutrition students into global citizens through enriching courses, community engagement, research and development projects in Canada and Kenya;
2) To provide training and resources to enhance sustainability and food security of the poor rural Buuri region of Kenya.
Incoming international students will undertage graduate work in veteranary science as well as nutrition at the masters and PhD levels.
Canadian Veterinary and nutrition students will work with the Kenyan scholars on research projects, training activities and community engagement.
University of Saskatchewan
Project title: Experiential learning for the One Health/Planetary Health professional: A focus on Canadian and African communities-at-risk
Summary: The objective of the program is to develop global citizens ready to work on the challenges of deteriorating planetary health through enriched academic, professional, and cross-cultural experiences. To achieve this objective, QEII Scholars will become enterprising leaders through the creation of “models of a healthy planet”, where QEII Scholars work together with communities to design and implement initiatives to improve planetary health.
We have 9 African partners and one partner from Canada that will participate in the program. These partners include two government organizations, three non-government organizations (including local and African indigenous community organizations), and five academic institutions.
Some of the expected results of the program include: (1) a new cohort of QEScholars; (2) Creation of community based “models” of planetary health; (3) Development of local expertise through extension activities where QEScholars will “train the trainers” who will then work with communities on implementing best practices to improve access to safe and secure food, water, and energy while improving the livelihoods of community members; (4) Development of strengthened and extended networks with international organizations with a mandate to work towards UN Global Goals and Planetary Health.
University of the Fraser Valley
Project title: Capacity Building for Policy and Planning in Kenya, Tanzania and India: A Focus on Food Systems and Urban Growth Management
Summary: The proposed research into Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) as related to urban challenges will apply the following activities:
• Identify broader goals of climate change adaptation and mitigation as an impact on food security;
• Investigate land policy, food systems, nutrition, and advocacy to aid in achieving the SDGs;
• Identify innovative strategies to reduce urban land pressures and threats to food security, livelihoods, and Indigenous food systems.
The goal is to develop toolkits for use by local government and communities to initiate urban growth and agricultural interventions. Partnership among these universities provides opportunity to implement an urban studio concept wherein scholars can work in communities to produce adaptation and mitigation planning guidelines to increase food security. This project promotes internationalization and multi-disciplinary international collaboration for best practice food systems and policy frameworks. Key areas of focus include impoverished areas, food security, and land-use policy, with outcomes extending to East Africa, Northern India and to the Fraser Valley as a model for Canadian communities.
University Of Toronto
Project title: Building Collaborative Learning Communities for Global Development and Justice
Summary: The Centre for Critical Development Studies (CCDS) project will promote the building of collaborative learning communities for global development and justice. Students will work in one of three broad development clusters – sustainable rural livelihoods, youth engagement through education and sport, and gender health and economic empowerment – though the exact focus of each will depend upon the priorities of our NGO partners, all of whom are rooted within local communities in the Global South. Priority will be placed on partner determined research-oriented internships to enhance student capacity in the practice of collaborative learning.
Short-term internships and long term internships will be offered as well as funding for an international graduate student from an eligible Global South country accepted into Master’s level CCDS collaborative specialization in ‘Development Policy and Power’.
Our placement partners have a broad scope, located in regions across the Global South and they have all been, or work with, local Global South pioneering organizations involved in cutting edge research, development, and advocacy work on behalf of marginalized communities in the cluster areas identified. They all share the similar goals, methodologies, and values in terms of prioritizing community-based approaches to research and practice.
University of Victoria
Project title: ASEAN Internship: Experience, Networking and Community (ENC) Program
Summary: We will create a strengthened global community of young leaders by placing Canadian students with well-established partner organizations within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region.
Our project partners work on issues of migration, education, policy and trade development, children and youth, and governance and will include:
• In Vietnam, we will work with the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization;
• In Thailand, the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce;
• In Malaysia, the Malaysian Social Research Institute and Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education and
• In Indonesia, the Centre for Indonesian Policy Studies.
University of Waterloo
Project title: International Internships for University of Waterloo Students in Energy Access Social Enterprises
Summary: This project incentivizes undergraduate and graduate students to participate in international internships with innovative social enterprises operating in the developing world, and Commonwealth countries. They provide off-grid solar and other renewable energy technologies to energy poor communities, benefiting gender equality, health, education, clean water access, food security and economic empowerment.
UWaterloo’s co-op program and extensive partnerships, specifically those working in energy access, will be leveraged to allow students across all faculties and backgrounds to participate. In addition, students from UWaterloo’s Masters of Development Practice (MDP) program will be invited to participate.
Participating organizations that are hosting the QEScholars are social enterprises that are on the forefront of innovation and social impact in the energy access sector. They are increasingly important actors in the global development landscape, creating low-cost, robust, sustainable and scalable solutions to complex human development challenges. These social enterprises enable entrepreneurs to serve critical human development needs through balancing financial, social and environmental objectives.
Vancouver Island University
Project title: Building Resilience in Coastal Communities (BRiCC) Knowledge Network
Summary: The QES Building Resilience in Coastal Communities (BRiCC) program will activate a dynamic community of young leaders to collaborate on innovative solutions to the pressing issues and opportunities facing coastal communities in Canada and around the world. The BRiCC Knowledge Network will support experiential learning opportunities for students to contribute to projects that will:
1. Improve capacity to foster sustainable economic activity, particularly tourism.
2. Enhance management of water in coastal zones, including drinking water.
3. Develop and manage parks and protected areas in or near coastal communities.
4. Enhance coastal communities’ response to climate change.
5. Develop sustainable aquatic foods and local agricultural production.
Wilfrid Laurier University
Project title: Laurier-Ghana Partnership for Human Rights, Criminology, and Social Justice
Summary: QEII Scholars will become a network of student leaders with a sense of obligation to the vulnerable in all societies.
Canadian interns will develop intercultural competencies, international experience, professional competencies, and international networks as they work with partner organizations to benefit local communities and advance human rights.
Ghanaian graduate students (future professors and professionals) will enhance their intercultural competencies, access research resources not otherwise available to them, and develop Canadian professional networks. All QEII Scholars will develop presentation, collaboration, and organizational skills through participation in public engagement opportunities.
Laurier has built and is deepening a strong two-way relationship with the University of Ghana. Laurier also partners with Ghanaian governmental and nongovernmental organizations such as International Needs Network Ghana, the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice, the Street Children Empowerment Foundation and Child Research and Resource Center.