Des idées au travail pour les Canadiens
Text on screen: [Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada logo]
Stephen Toope, president, University of British Columbia:
Well I think it’s hugely important that we collaborate with civil society and the private sector because we’re in this together. Canada faces enormous demographic challenges. We’re just not going to have enough people in the country over the next number of years. We have to increase participation rates in advanced education. We also have to attract wonderful new people from outside the country to come here.
While Stephen Toope is speaking:
[Male researcher with protective hair net uses imagery technology.]
[Male student uses wave viewing technology.]
[Asian student doing experiments in a laboratory setting.]
[Light instrumental background music]
[Imagery of brain with moving wheels and spokes]
Text on screen: [Putting ideas to work for Canadians – Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada logo]
Texte sur l’écran : [Des idées au travail pour les Canadiens]
Maury Wawryk, vice-president and general manager, Venmar CES, University of Saskatchewan partnership:
As a country, as we look to innovation, Canada-specific, the technology that’s developed, the innovation that’s created within the country would not be possible without collaborations such as university and industry. Specifically Venmar CES.
We’re proud to say that we’re on the cutting-edge of developing the technology that will revolutionize how we condition buildings worldwide.
While Maury Wawryk is speaking:
[Professor and male student demonstrate to Maury Wawryk how technology functions in a laboratory.]
Text on screen: [Bringing fresh new ideas to market]
Texte sur l’écran : [Des idées novatrices sur le marché]
The Honourable Perrin Beatty, president and CEO, Canadian Chamber of Commerce:
The partnership that Canadian business has with universities allows us to encourage innovation. The adoption of new technologies, the development of new skills and to allow us to be far more competitive and successful and global markets.
While Perrin Beatty is speaking:
[Female student shows petri dish to professor and colleague in a laboratory.]
[Employee shows two students sludge going down a slide in a manufacturing plant.]
Jill Green, CEO, Green Imaging Technologies Inc., University of New Brunswick partnership:
Early on we realized that we wanted to have good synergy between the company and the university. So the university can focus on what it’s really good at, and that’s the high level research, finding out if things work. Then it could be moved into the company, entered into a commercially robust product that people need and want.
While Jill Green is speaking:
[Technician starts diagnostic imaging machine with patient in it.]
Text on screen: [Addressing community needs]
Texte sur l’écran : [Répondre aux besoins des collectivités]
Martha Crago, vice-president research, Dalhousie University:
The value proposition that we help the Irving Shipbuilding company write is one that said how it’s going to invigorate that ocean science and technology sector and marine technology sector more widely than just the shipbuilding company per se.
And so by putting universities together with those companies we will be able to do something which would invigorate a whole economic sector of society in a part of the world which really can count on that area.
While Martha Crago is speaking:
[Group of shipyard workers with view Halifax-Darmouth bridge in the background.]
[Shipyard male puts on protective visor, view of a ship.]
[Male reviews an architectural design plan.]
[Halifax Shipyard]
[Worker walks with equipment on the grounds of Halifax Shipyard.]
Daniel Marceau, professeur, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Partenariat avec Rio Tinto Alcan :
Les activités de recherche au sein du partenariat avec Rio Tinto Alcan ont comme premier objectif d’améliorer les technologies existantes, de favoriser le développement de nouvelles technologies,
le développement de nouveaux alliages et ce, afin de favoriser l’utilisation de l’aluminium et ainsi rendre Rio Tinto Alcan plus compétitif à l’échelle internationale et ce, dans le respect des règles de santé et sécurité et également de l’environnement.
Pendant que parle Daniel Marceau :
[Deux hommes regardent des écrans d’ordinateur.]
[Deux stagiaires et un superviseur portant des casques et des lunettes protectrices dans une usine.]
[Une main droite gantée tient une pince pour prendre un petit objet de métal.]
[Deux chercheurs devant un écran dans un laboratoire.]
[Une chercheuse lit un manuel et deux ouvriers posent devant la machinerie.]
[Deux ouvriers travaillent avec de l’aluminium dans une usine.]
Alastair Summerlee, president, University of Guelph:
The University of Guelph has a long history of working with private sector investments, particularly in the areas of agriculture and life sciences. We’ve been able to show that we get a 20:1 return on investment through those partnerships.
While Alastair is speaking:
[Cows in a pen.]
[A technician with a syringe, adds liquids in a testing tray.]
[Flock of sheep in a barn.]
Ray Ivany, president, Acadia University:
Acadia has partnered with a number of the individuals as well as the association involving grape growing and the wineries to now mount in access of 30 research projects on every aspect of development of the sector.
While Ray Ivany is speaking:
[View of vines of grapes in a vineyard.]
[Wine barrels at a winery.]
[Person explains the wine process in front of large silver cylindrical containers used for wine fermentation.]
[A couple enjoy their glass of wine; seated on Adirondack chairs looking at the bay at dusk.]
Elizabeth Cannon, president, University of Calgary:
Our researchers are looking at new technology development at the theory level, at the lab scale, right up to pilot phase. So we’re working very closely with industry to tackle some of these key challenges to ensure that the oil sands is there, environmentally sustainable, for the future.
While Elizabeth Cannon is speaking:
[Aerial view of oil sands.]
[Female works with tar sands in laboratory.]
[Oil facility.]
Text on screen: [Partnerships with small- and medium-size enterprises]
Texte sur l’écran: [Des partenariats aves les petits et moyennes entreprises]
Stephen Toope:
Canada is built on small-and medium-sized enterprise. The universities are a perfect partner for such industry because we can provide targeted advice, we can provide outstanding graduate students and undergraduates who can help on particular projects.
And of course we can do what you might call contract work based research to look at very particular areas that are important to a company and produce the knowledge that they really don’t have the capacity to produce in-house.
While Stephen Toope is speaking:
[Female student cuts up sample of tar sands in laboratory.]
[Male doing tests in laboratory.]
[Three people in front of big machinery in manufacturing plant.]
[Drill cutting metal in a manufacuring plant.]
[Professor and female student in laboratory.]
[Female student adds liquid in bottles in laboratory.]
[Male doing tests in laboratory.]
Text on screen: [Students benefits]
Texte sur l’écran : [Des retombées pour les étudiants]
Yves Beauchamp, directeur général, École de technologie supérieure :
L’importance des relations entre les universités et les entreprises se décline à deux niveaux. Au niveau des universités, il y a bien sûr l’apport à la qualité, mais aussi à la pertinence de la formation surtout pour les programmes de formation professionnalisant, notamment au niveau des stages ou encore à l’accès aux laboratoires. Pour l’industrie, c’est un apport à la compétitivité mais également à la productivité de l’entreprise sans compter à l’accès à une main-d’oeuvre spécialisée ainsi qu’à des chercheurs.
Pendant que parle Yves Beauchamp :
[Deux employés regardent des écrans d’ordinateurs.]
[Deux étudiants collectionnent des spécimens dans une rivière.]
[Un étudiant remplit un gros tube avec d’un liquide brun dans un laboratoire.]
[Un étudiant agite un contenant cylindrique dans un laboratoire.]
Jill Green:
The high level, intelligent people that are going through school, university have a receptor where they can come work within our company. We get really smart, talented people and they don’t leave our area. They get to stay here rather than move out of the country.
While Jill Green speaking:
[Person writes on a white board while doing a presentation in class.]
[Students working in a laboratory.]
[Female student helps teenagers in a classroom.]
Text on screen: [A winning team]
Texte sur l’écran : [Une équipe gagnante]
The Honourable Perrin Beatty:
We’re facing unprecedented competition. It’s important for us to pull together all the players in Canada: the research community, educators, business government and others to come together as a giant Team Canada to try to ensure the success of Canadians in the international marketplace.
While Perrin Beatty is speaking:
[Female doing tests in laboratory.]
[A technician uses a light magnifying glass in a laboratory.]
[View of a crane.]
[Worker walks next to ship at the Halifax Shipyard.]
[Male shipyard workers in front of a crane.]
Ray Ivany:
The walls of the university in this realm, in terms of economic development are very porous and that’s exactly the way we want them to be.
Text on screen: [Putting ideas to work for Canadians]
Texte sur l’écran : [Des idées au travail pour les Canadiens]
[Light instrumental background music]
[Imagery of brain with moving wheels and spokes – Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada logo]
Text on screen: [The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada thanks the following for their contributions to this video — L’Association des universités et collèges du Canada remercie les organismes suivants d’avoir contribué à la conception de cette vidéo.]
Scrolling text on screen: [Acadia University, Canadian Chamber of Commerce/La Chambre de commerce du Canada, Canadian Tourism Commission/Commission canadienne du tourisme, Dalhousie University, Green Imaging Technologies; Irving Shipbuidling Inc., l’École de technologie supérieure, McGill University, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada, Shell Canada Limited,, The University of British Columbia, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, University of Calgary, University of Guelph, University of New Brunswick, University of Saskatchewan, Venmar CES]
Vidéo centrée sur les partenariats entre les universités et le secteur privé, et sur la manière dont ces partenariats stimulent l’innovation, favorisent les relations internationales et renforcent le Canada.
*Dans la vidéo et sa transcription, le français et l’anglais sont utilisés en alternance.
Catégorie : Recherche et technologie