Entretien avec Art McDonald, lauréat du prix Nobel
How did it feel to receive the Nobel Prize?
Well, it’s still – I’m still attempting to react to it.
Life has changed tremendously.
But I also hope that this award will be a recognition of the fact that Canada is a place where you can do research of that quality.
We certainly as scientists recognized, when we obtained our results back in 2002, that we had made a very significant measurement in terms of our understanding of very basic particles, neutrinos, and how they fit into – or in fact they don’t fit into the standard model; it has to be changed.
So we were satisfied we had done something significant.
But being recognized by the Nobel Prize Committee is another dimension altogether.
So all of us in this whole collaboration just feel fantastic about this event having occurred.
So it’s exhilarating.
Arthur B. McDonald, directeur de l’Observatoire de neutrinos de Sudbury (ONS) et professeur émérite à la Queen’s University, parle de ce que l’on ressent quand on reçoit le prix Nobel de physique, et du message que cet exploit envoie relativement à la qualité de la recherche universitaire canadienne.
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Catégorie : Recherche et technologie