L’utilisation de mégadonnées pour prévenir les incendies et sauver des vies

17 décembre 2018
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Texte sur l’écran : [Cooking fires are a major threat to public safety. The University of Regina is helping the city’s fire department learn the reasons behind them, with an eye to reducing their number and severity.]

Angela Prawzick : Cooking fires is our leading cause of fires here in Regina, and that’s really changed to become the leading cause of fires probably over the last seven or eight years. And we’re seeing this phenomenon not only in Regina, not only Saskatchewan, but across Canada and even across North America.


This research is innovative. There’s not another fire department or a fire service across North America that is looking at this issue in such depth.

Candace Giblett : The partnership with the university, from a fire department perspective, targets our very limited resources so that we’re reaching the right people with the right message at the right time.

Rozzet Jurdi-Hage : The work that we did actually reaches that – that target audience. We are actually improving outcomes and interventions through the analysis that we have done, through the work that we have done.

Angela Prawzick : By getting this data and looking at what’s causing these fires, what are people doing to cause the fires, what are people doing to interact with the fire to either make it better or make it worse, it’s going to help us to develop our educational programming to target those people who are having the most fires – in other words, look at what are they doing to cause those fires – and get them to stop that by changing their behaviours that we’ve identified through the research. And also look at the people who are having the most severe fires, what are they doing that’s making the fire worse before our fire fighters are able to get there? The research will continue to show us whether or not our education is making an impact. Are our fires decreasing?

Rozzet Jurdi-Hage : As long as they need me, I will be here.

Texte sur l’écran : [Logo d’Universités Canada. The voice of Canada’s universities. archives.univcan.ca]

Les feux de cuisson représentent une menace grave pour la sécurité publique. La University of Regina aide le service des incendies de la ville à en déterminer les causes dans le but d’en réduire le nombre et la gravité.

Vidéo et transcription disponibles en anglais seulement.

Catégorie :  Recherche et technologie

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