Mobilité étudiante au Canada
I think it’s really important for universities to bring in perspectives from not only around the world, but from across Canada as well.
Canada’s always been a country that’s been challenged by geography.
The best way to overcome that challenge is to have people from across the country get to know each other better; get to know each other’s part of the country better.
And universities provide that great opportunity for students to come and study, learn about other parts of the country.
I often tell students at the undergraduate level if they’re going to do graduate work, ‘don’t stay with us.
Go look at another university so you’ll get the experience of a different place, a different culture, be it within Canada or around the world’.
Andrew Petter, recteur de la Simon Fraser University, explique pourquoi le fait de permettre à un nombre accru d’étudiants d’aller étudier dans une autre province profitera au Canada.
Vidéo et transcription disponibles en anglais seulement
Catégorie : Relations internationales et développement