Partenariats de recherche universités-industrie
McGill University | Ressources propres
Principales installations
Mobile and Immobile Energetics Laboratories focus on mammal ecology and energetics across Canada’s North and on understanding the impacts of environmental change on northern wildlife. We use a wide range of methods, both in the lab and in the field, ranging from respirometry-based measures of metabolism to simple behavioural observations.
Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science (QCBS), led by Dr Andrew Gonzalez, fosters the emergence of an integrated biodiversity science in Quebec, McGill infrastructure: Gault Nature Reserve; McGill Artic and Sub-Artic Research Stations; Laboratory for Experimental Ecology and Evolution (LE3); Phytotron.
Brace Centre for Water Resources Management undertakes research, teaching, specialized training, and policy and strategic studies in water resources management.
Grands projets
An Integrated Socio-economic and Biophysical Framework for Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions under Agricultural Water Management Systems in Eastern Canada led by Dr Chandra Madramootoo.
EcoToxChip: A toxicogenomics tool for chemical prioritization and environmental management, led by Dr Niladri Basu, proposes to develop, test, validate, and commercialize quantitative PCRbased arrays (EcoToxChips) to address an urgent worldwide need for advanced toxicity testing tools that are accessible, affordable, consistent, and reliable.
Sustainable Canada Dialogues (SCD), led by Dr Catherine Potvin, is an informal volunteer network based at McGill University that mobilizes some 80+ scholars from across Canada synthesizing leading research and engaging with cross-Canada decision-makers to lead Canada into a post-carbon future.
Murray Humphries, Associate Prof, Institut Nordique du Quebec (INQ) McGill Chair in Northern Research. Research focus on how resource development and other forms of environmental change impact the abundance and health of northern wildlife populations.
Geza Joos, Prof., Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in in Powering Information Technologies and NSERC /Hydro-Quebec Industrial Research Chair on Integration of Renewable Energies and Distributed Generation into the Electric Distribution Grid. Research: power electronics converters and power system compensation.
Nathalie Tufenkji, Prof. and Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Biocolloids and Surfaces, Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering Hatch Innovation Award. Research; (bio)colloid-surface interactions with applications in protection of water resources, engineering of biosensors, and development of safe nanotechnology.
Donald Smith, Prof. and James McGill Chair, CEO & Scientific Director of BioFuelNet. Research: production and physiology of crop plants, methods to increase the sequestration of CO2 from the atmosphere into crop plants.
Programmes spéciaux et apprentissage intégré au travail
–Trottier Institute for Sustainability in Engineering and Design (TISED) led by Dr Subhasis Ghoshal aims to connect students, researchers, innovators and inventors in all disciplines by giving them a platform to do better for our world. Themes: Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Industrial Processes & Manufacturing, Sustainable Infrastructure & Urban Development.
–McGill Sustainability Systems Initiative (MSSI) brings together experts from across McGill’s faculties, providing support and seed funding for transdisciplinary teams to tackle some of the most complex and challenging issues in sustainability.
- Cascades Canada
- Coatings Research Institute
- DuPont Canada
- Norampac
- SNC-Lavalin
- Inocucor Inc
- Imperial Oil
- Axter
- Air Liquide Canada Inc.
- FP Innovation