Partenariats de recherche universités-industrie
McMaster University | Fabrication de pointe
Principales installations
McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute: The MMRI is a world-class facility focusing on enhancing productivity, quality and product/process innovation while helping companies reduce cost.
Fraunhofer Project Centre for Biomedical Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing at McMaster University – BEAM: Biotechnology research, and advanced manufacturing of bio-functional products, bioanalytics, clinical diagnosis and therapy.
McMaster Steel Research Centre (SRC): The SRC combines objectives established by the steel industry with McMaster’s research expertise in materials science, leading to commercially relevant new approaches to ironmaking, steelmaking process control, waste processing, steel product design and metal forming technologies.
Grands projets
SONAMI – Southern Ontario Network for Advanced Manufacturing Innovation: McMaster is working to grow the quality and quantity of applied research projects and to support the Golden Horseshoe advanced manufacturing cluster with state-of-the-market facilities and equipment.
Advanced Manufacturing of Printable Diagnostic Systems: Led by Dr. John Brennan, this project is developing a modular toolbox of printed components to create novel point-of-care diagnostics using scalable printing systems for application in health, food, and environmental industry sectors.
Dr. Stephen Veldhuis, Director, McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute. Professor, Mechanical Engineering. Research: High performance manufacturing, precision and ultra precision machining.
Dr. Mo Elbestawi, Director, W Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology, Professor, Mechanical Engineering. Research: Additive manufacturing, computer aided manufacturing.
Dr. John Brennan, Canada Research Chair in Bioanalytical Chemistry, Director, Biointerfaces Institute. Research: Biointerfaces, high throughput materials synthesis/screening, mass spectrometry.
Dr. André Phillion, Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering. Research: Mathematical modelling of materials and processes, solidification and casting of metals.
Dr. Hatem Zurob, Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering. Research: Microstructure evolution and effects in engineering materials.
Programmes spéciaux et apprentissage intégré au travail
School of Engineering Practice and Technology – B. Tech undergraduate programs. Combined program with Mohawk College, providing the skills and theoretical knowledge to design and manufacture automotive and vehicle components, and systems. These are multidisciplinary programs with subjects from chemical, mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering
McMaster Co-Op – McMaster offers students and employers 4, 8, 12 and 16 months co-op placement opportunities, with over 220 student placements per year in this sector.
- Arcelor Mittal Dofasco
- Stelco
- Pro-Lab
- Honda