Equality, diversity and inclusion: the challenge to lead

January 29, 2018
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Text on screen: [Equality, diversity and inclusion: the challenge to lead]

Annette Trimbee, president, University of Winnipeg:

Universities should be leading on a lot of these issues because we have this incredible passion and energy and expertise in our students and our faculty and our staff, and that’s really what we bring to the table. So we’re challenged every day, and I think our students, our faculty, and staff can definitely show us the way, and we just have to let them. It really is, to use a phrase from Rick Hansen, a time to “measure up”. Universities need to set stretch targets, we need to develop action plans, we need to measure progress, and we need to be held to account.

Text on screen: [Universities Canada/Universités Canada logo. The Voice of Canada’s Universities. archives.univcan.ca]

Annette Trimbee, president of the University of Winnipeg, discusses how universities can – and should – be leaders in establishing and strengthening equity, diversity and inclusion on campus and in our communities.

Tagged:  Strong and inclusive communities

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