Rising to the challenge: the Naylor report and Canada’s young researchers
Text on screen: [Rising to the challenge: the Naylor report and Canada’s young researchers]
Kristin Horsley, PhD candidate, McGill University:
I’m a PhD candidate in clinical health psychology here at McGill, and I research how depression and anxiety influence the heart during pregnancy.
The Naylor report was an excellent example of a very broad-spectrum review of what’s going on with science research, in particular the tri-agency councils in Canada. And I think the overall message is that we need to really be investing in the early career researchers, but that kind of has to happen at a variety of levels. In your early career you also need your mentors; so while we need to support the early career researchers, there seems to be a broad recommendation for just an overall investment in Canadian research.
Researchers that I know, both at the graduate level and maybe even kind of starting out as an assistant professor, we’re just a little bit concerned. The morale seems to be not necessarily low, but we all feel we’re at an inflection point.
My expectation is that Canada and – and Canadian researchers – will rise to some of the challenges that we face today. I think that a lot of the problems that we have, whether it comes to chronic diseases or environmental issues, they’re complex. They require a variety of different perspectives in order to answer the questions and to make changes, and I think that Canada really needs to rise up to that.
Text on screen: [Universities Canada/Universités Canada logo. The Voice of Canada’s Universities. archives.univcan.ca]
Canada’s next generation of researchers and innovators require better support to achieve their potential and help address society’s biggest challenges, from chronic diseases to environmental issues. Kristin Horsley, a PhD candidate in clinical health psychology at McGill University, shares her views on the support needed for early career researchers in Canada as recommended by the report from the Fundamental Science Review panel – commonly known as the Naylor report.
Tagged: Research and technology