University and college collaboration

June 23, 2015
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Text on screen: [Universities Canada logo]

Text on screen: [In conversation with Mike Mahon President University of Lethbridge]

Text on screen: [University and college cooperation]

Mike Mahon, president, University of Lethbridge

Historically we have tended to have this either/or perspective that universities are most important for Canada and colleges are from a labour force perspective.  I think we start to understand the experience of students best when we start to understand the notion of and – universities are important.  Colleges are also important.

They all contribute to the postsecondary landscape.   Polytechnics are important and so if we can think more of an “and” environment where it’s collaborative and inclusive I think in the end we create an ecosystem of the post-secondary landscape that is most healthy for the country.

It’s also something that I think is really important to communicate from a public policy perspective so that governments understand that we are not in this from a competitive standpoint.  We’re really in this from a collaborative standpoint.  How can we enhance what we offer from a Canadian perspective that is in the best interests of students?

Text on screen: [Universities Canada. The voice of Canada’s Universities]

Mike Mahon, president of the University of Lethbridge, says that collaboration between postsecondary institutions is crucial to a healthy education environment in Canada.

Tagged:  Skills and talent

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