
Canadian universities strengthen ties with France and other European nations amid Horizon Europe agreement
Investing in universities is an investment in Canada’s future
2025 Pre-Budget Submission: Invest in universities to build a stronger Canada
A national sustainable agriculture plan needs to include universities
Universities are an essential partner on the path toward Canada’s low-carbon hydrogen future
How university research helps combat forest fires and climate change
How universities are helping Canada to mitigate climate change
Sustainable development, here and now
Urgent action for our publicly-funded universities critical to Canada’s economic stability and growth
Impact of research funding: quick facts
Outstanding discoveries by Black researchers in Canada
Universities are advancing technology through international partnerships
Greener shores in Atlantic Canada through university research
Global university partnerships are finding solutions to the climate crisis
New university lab explores cause of infant formula shortage
How universities are working to fight climate change
How international research partnerships are helping us tackle world health issues
Universities must be a part of Canada’s plan for economic growth
Research aims to improve preterm infant health through mother’s milk
Co-developing research on Arctic char with Inuit Knowledge
Canadian universities foster sustainable collaboration with the Philippines
Canada’s International Education Strategy renewal: Consultation for Global Affairs Canada
Canada losing ground in race for top research talent
Coalition for Canadian Research established to call for an urgent federal investment in Canada’s research system
Open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland
AI is not intelligent and needs regulation now
Making a difference for Canada’s aging population
Making a difference in medicine and health care
QES annual report 2022-2023
University research is creating a more just and equitable society
How university research is helping us learn to live better with wildlife
Talent, research excellence and strong communities key to Canada’s future
Building a prosperous Canada through our people, ideas and communities
How a Canadian researcher’s work 50 years ago led to the mRNA vaccine
New agreement strengthens educational cooperation between Wales and Canada
Creating a better world is at the core of university innovation
University innovation and innovators keep Canada competitive on the world stage
Universities innovate for equitable education worldwide
University innovation for the future of health care
Canadian universities are innovating for the planet
Open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Budget 2023 a missed opportunity to keep Canada competitive in science and research
The U.S. is besting Canada on investing in research and it will have consequences
University Research Key to Meeting Canada’s Economic Ambitions
President Biden’s visit a chance to reflect on Canada’s support for research and science
The Biden Bilateral: Expanding our Innovation Partnership for the Next Big Thing
Environmental scientist ‘Kristal Ocean’ leads youth activism against plastic pollution
Queen Elizabeth Scholarship inspires theatre scholar to build research career in Canada
Joint statement: Canada’s talent crisis needs action from government
International Doctoral Research Awards 2022 supports 24 doctoral students
A gut feeling: Researcher delving into how gut inflammation impacts mental health
Distant planets provide clues to understanding the solar system
Pre-Budget Submission 2023: Investing in People and Ideas Today for a Better Tomorrow
Canada’s universities call for investments in people and ideas for the benefit of all Canadians
Canada’s universities urge Parliament to take action to keep Canada competitive
It’s time for Canada to learn its lesson about university research
How Canadian universities are propelling us towards a quantum future
QES Annual Report 2021/2022
How universities are helping us manage and rebuild from the COVID-19 pandemic
Expanding horizons: The career benefits of scholars going abroad
Canadian universities deepen ties with Morocco
Canadian Innovation Week 2022: #InnovateToCompete
Top discoveries by Canadian university researchers and graduates that changed the world
Canadian Innovation Week 2022: #InnovateToLearn
Canadian Innovation Week 2022: #InnovateToInspire
Canadian Innovation Week 2022: #InnovateToEngage
Nobel prize winners from Canadian universities
University research breakthroughs in 2021
Life below water: Ocean research for a sustainable future
Preparing for future health crises
Investing in Canada as a global leader
A pivotal moment to invest in innovation and education
Accelerating our way to a brighter future
Accelerate 2022: Speech by board chair Meric Gertler
Celebrate Black History Month with Canadian universities
In conversation with the inventors of award-winning accessibility aids
Joint statement from convening higher education associations
Inventing our way to an accessible future
Canadian universities deepen ties with Vietnam
Battle against bacteria leads to national award
The reproductive health of honeybees
Keep the umbrella handy to weather the next storm
University innovation: a transformative force for Canada’s post-pandemic economy
Investing in people and ideas for Canada’s recovery
Back to school 2021
Pre-budget 2022 submission: Investing in people and ideas to accelerate Canada’s social and economic Recovery
Winners of 2021 IDeA competition impress with creativity and ingenuity
Opinion: Mphasis’s decision shows how great research universities can improve their communities
University Innovation: A Transformative Force for Canada’s Post-Pandemic Economy
Environmental benefits to come from investments in university infrastructure
Michael Houghton’s Nobel Prize win shows Canada’s strength in biotechnology
Celebrating Michael Houghton, 2020 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine
National program expands to help Canadian researchers gain recognition
Canada’s researchers vital to pandemic response, recovery and building a stronger, more inclusive future
When the world shut down, our universities reached out
Let’s use universities to restart Montreal
Canada and Colombia strengthen research and innovation ties
Pre-budget 2021 submission: Investing in universities for a sustainable COVID-19 recovery
Battling COVID-19: Universities partner with industry, government to combat the pandemic
Regional perspectives on the social impact of Canadian universities
Social impact survey results
Pre-budget 2020 submission: Investing in people, research and innovation
2019 IDeA competition winners
Investing in skills and talent to build a better Canada
Using big data to predict fires and save lives
Mike Mahon: Universities in a changing world and changing Canada
National university open house showcases benefits of investments
University students win 2018 IDeA competition with innovative solutions to accessibility barriers
Strategic research investments vital to building workforce of the future
Pre-budget 2019 consultations: Universities Canada’s presentation
Investing in skills and talent to build a better Canada
Pre-budget 2019 submission: Investing in talent
The changing landscape of Canadian copyright and universities: submission
In an age of disruption, community–university collaboration is a must
Canadian universities deepen ties with Mexico
Fair dealing works
Budget 2018: A hopeful vision for Canada
Diversity in research gives Canada competitive advantage
IDeA student competition: Be bold!
IDeA student competition: Making the kitchen barrier-free
IDeA student competition: Changing mindsets on accessibility
Innovation and persons with disabilities
Budget 2018 investments advance Fundamental Science Review panel’s vision
Statement on Budget 2018 from Canada’s research community
Budget 2018 makes historic investment in Canada’s research future
Discovery research anchors new innovation superclusters
Research beyond borders
Canada has everything to gain through research collaboration with China
Canada 150 Research Chairs: Top global talent coming to Canada’s universities
Percentage of female faculty at Canadian universities is growing – Statistics Canada
Investing in pure research is unpredictable but essential
Rising to the challenge: the Naylor report and Canada’s young researchers
Canada’s next researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs need our support
The future is interdisciplinary
Excellence in research, undergrad education can co-exist
Innovation isn’t a magic bullet, it requires a work plan
Reinvestment will make Canada a global research leader
Canada’s universities welcome Dr. Mona Nemer as new Chief Science Advisor
Ottawa must improve research funding – or risk losing the innovation race
Reinvest in research, for Canada and Nova Scotia
It’s time for Canada to reinvest in university research
Making Canadians care about science again
Investing in research is the best way to create an innovative economy
With NAFTA, we need to advance our thinking about manufacturing
Tomorrow’s innovation requires funding today
A national intellectual property strategy in Canada: submission
Quantum computing, brain research top list for new US-Canada collaborations
Research community awaits government response to science review
Universities, industry, and research say substantial investments in research needed on regular basis
New Canada 150 research chairs will attract global research stars
Copyright: protecting fair dealing
University intellectual property and technology transfer: submission
New Global Skills Strategy will bring global talent to Canada’s universities
This is Canada’s time to lead the world on research
Liberal arts and engineering: a vital link
Fundamental science, innovation don’t need to be seen in opposition
Why the fundamental science review is good news for Canada’s smaller universities
Uber’s new Toronto research hub is a big win for Canada
Five university scholars win Governor General’s Innovation awards
Canada can’t afford to lose a generation of top research talent
Innovation in the liberal arts
Unified voice vital to Naylor report action
Imagine the university as an economic engine
Act now on science funding, or miss Canada’s moment
What are you going to do with an arts degree?
Liberal arts to benefit engineering
Human-centred innovation
In conversation with Sara Diamond: the liberal arts
Jobs of the future: the creative economy
Science panel provides roadmap for transformative re-investment in research
Budget and beyond: Science report promises roadmap to better research
The liberal arts: a global conversation
Reading between the lines of the budget
Seize the chance to attract foreign university researchers
Queen Elizabeth Scholars: next generation to pursue innovation and community building projects
Investments in students and innovation will build Canada’s prosperity
Governor General of Canada: The possibility of Canada – A call to action
Dominic Barton: Small country, big impact
Youth leaders discuss Canada’s future with Prime Minister, Governor General
Lemonade stands and how to foster innovation
It pays to build ties
Review of Canadian content in a digital world: submission
Universities welcome search for Canada’s new Chief Science Advisor
Research builds communities – ad in the Globe and Mail
Made-in-Canada Innovation: Support for a knowledge-based economy
What makes great cities?
The heart of innovation in Canada
Pre-budget consultations: Paul Davidson’s remarks
21st century education for a 21st century economy and society
Positioning Canada as a global research leader
Federal support for fundamental science
Learning about research in Africa
Mobilizing people and ideas for an innovative future
Innovation agenda consultations: submission
Universities welcome return of valuable survey
$900 million boosts world-leading research at Canada’s universities
Canadian universities in Policy magazine
Three key steps to becoming an innovation nation
Canada’s universities as incubators of excellence
Science, technology, society: universities at the forefront of innovation
Making universities Canada’s innovation accelerators
Canada’s international assistance review consultations: submission
Back to school 2016: Preparing Canada’s sesquicentennial class for life after graduation
Improving the health of Canadians through smartphone app
Putting Canada on the map for quantum materials
Canada’s universities provide optimism in a world of conflict and crisis
University infrastructure investments will provide major boost to research and innovation
University graduates enjoy strong income growth: new study
Digital futures workshop
Canadian Universities and our Digital Future – report
Mindshare 2016: A U.S. perspective on the global energy challenge
Mindshare 2016: Examining China’s energy market
Mindshare 2016: The future of new energy technologies
Mindshare 2016: Exploring implications of energy consumption
University innovators among six winners of inaugural Governor General Innovation Awards
Building with Brazil: Higher education ties are leading the way
Collaborative research partnerships: tackling challenges together
Investing in the infrastructure of minds
New $2 billion infrastructure program for postsecondary institutions
In postsecondary education, we’re better together
A budget with critical investments in learning
A new path toward global leadership in research and innovation
Trudeau offers welcome help to universities
Budget a call to action for Canada’s universities
Paul Davidson reacts to Budget 2016
Budget 2016: investments in university infrastructure will fuel prosperity
Canadian research, global recognition
The innovation long game starts now
Canadian investment in Big Science
Ground-breaking advances through discovery research
Enhancing research through university collaboration
Career preparation through research engagement
In conversation with Nobel Prize laureate Art McDonald
University partnerships with the private sector and communities
Universities’ Role in Knowledge Transfer
Universities, an investment in our future
Smart Skills for a Smarter Canada – speech by Paul Davidson
Canadians say universities prepare students for changing world – survey
The Road Ahead – speech by Elizabeth Cannon
Canada’s universities commitments to Canadians
Nobel Prize win brings world attention to Canadian research
Undergrads are getting their hands dirty
Universities Canada welcomes research excellence funding
Research benefits for students and community
A reality check on Budget 2015
Federal budget invests in university research, students
Fredericton, NB Event: Smart skills for a smarter Canada
Telescope investment boosts international research collaboration
Toward Stronger Innovation Systems
Universities at the heart of innovation
Canada must release its ‘entrepreneurial genie’
Investment recognizes universities’ vital role
Canada First Research Excellence Fund: Media availability
Canada invests $1.5B in university research & innovation
This is the path of innovation
Getting the best out of national innovation systems
Smart Skills for a Smarter Canada
Canada’s university leaders visit Mexico to boost partnerships
Knowledge creation through international collaboration
Universities welcome investment in entrepreneurship
Federal program to boost linkages between Canadian universities and SMEs
Advancing Canada’s research & innovation leadership
Canada set to lead the world in research and innovation
Budget 2014 positions Canada as world leader in research and innovation
Federal Science, Technology and Innovation Review
How university & business partnerships benefit small- and medium-size enterprises
University and business partnerships: looking to the future
How partnerships between universities and industry benefit students
Putting ideas to work for Canadians
Global Engagement in Action
University research
Smart healthy vibrant prosperous communities
The value of university research
Canada’s Universities: Partners in the business of innovation
Learning from living laboratories: contribution to the digital economy