University-industry research partnerships
McMaster University | Clean Resources
Key facilities
McMaster Centre for Climate Change: promotes multidisciplinary research activities focusing on the study of climate processes, climate change and the human response to these processes and changes.
Esri Canada Centre of Excellence: encourages the creation of new and innovative software applications of geographic information system (GIS) technology using the Esri GIS Platform.
McMaster Nuclear Reactor: is a multi-purpose research facility, featuring an open-pool design that provides easy access to the reactor core and several built-in neutron beams for irradiation experiments.
Major collaborations
FloodNet: Led by Dr. Paulin Coulibaly, this NSERC Canadian Strategic Network is developing advanced knowledge, tools, and technologies that will allow Canada to better face and help protect Canadians from the often devastating effects of floods.
Global Water Futures (GWF) Projects: Three of the 12 GWF research projects designed to deliver risk management solutions for water futures in Canada are led by McMaster researchers. These are:
1) Led by Dr. Mike Waddington, Boreal Water Futures will develop risk assessment tools to improve climate, extreme weather and wildfire predictions;
2) Led by Dr. Sean Carey, Mountain Water Futures will improve the prediction and planned adaptation of snow, glaciers and streamflow regimes for the mountains of Western Canada;
3) Led by Dr. Dawn Martin-Hill, the Co-creating of Indigenous Water Quality Tools project will address water challenges in distinct Indigenous communities.
- Dr. Sean Carey, Professor, School of Geography & Earth Sciences. Research focuses on natural and human-impacted reclamation and cold region environments.
- Dr. Paulin Coulibaly, Professor, School of Geography & Earth Sciences and Department of Civil Engineering. Research focuses on water resource hydrologic modelling, forecasting and engineering tools.
- Dr. John Luxat, Professor, Department of Engineering Physics; NSERC/UNENE Industrial Research Chairs in Nuclear Safety Analysis and Thermal Hydraulics. Research focuses on nuclear safety thermal hydraulics modelling and analysis.
- Dr. David Novog, Professor, Department of Engineering Physics. Research focuses on nuclear physics, reactor physics and nuclear safety.
- Dr. James Waddington, Professor, School of Geography and Earth Sciences; Canada Research Chair in Ecohydrology. Research focuses on climate change, ecosystem dynamics and restoration with expertise in boreal wetland management.
Special programs and work integrated learning initiatives
Water Without Borders Programme
A collaborative graduate program between McMaster University and the United Nations University – International Network on Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) providing the tools needed to address issues of international importance in water, environment and health.
NSERC CaNRisk-CREATE (Canadian Nuclear Energy Infrastructure Resilience under Seismic Systemic Risk)
Trains the next generation of nuclear energy experts in environmental safety, risk management, and resilience of nuclear infrastructure systems.
- Syncrude Canada Ltd.
- Suncor Energy Inc.
- Bruce Power L.P.
- University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering (UNENE)