University-industry research partnerships
Ryerson University | Artificial Intelligence
Key facilities
Privacy and Big Data Institute: Brings together industry, academia, government, and engaged citizens to uncover, examine, and question these connections and provide a forum in which these issues can be discussed and studied through multiple perspectives.
Robotics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Automation Laboratory (RMAL): An interdisciplinary laboratory with objective to design and build in a synergistic manner for advancing robotics and manufacturing automation.
Ryerson Centre for Cloud and Context Aware Computing (RC4): Brings together mobile technologies, predictive software, and internet connectivity to match services with individual needs and preferences. Provides the infrastructure and experts to create new collaborations, knowledge and jobs with the support of the Federal Development Agency of Southern Ontario.
Major collaborations
Modelling and Searching Complex Networks in the Big Data Era
Project led by Dr. Pawel Pralat looks to the principles driving the organization and behaviour of complex networks as well as algorithms based on these networks is crucial for a broad range of fields. Looks to modelling and searching of complex networks with emphasis on connections to Big Data research.
Rule based reasoning for anomaly detection and prediction of heart/stroke attack using wearable sensors
Dr. Xavier Fernando investigates statistical data analysis schemes, modeling and classification techniques in the presence of noisy and missing data. This project is expected to generate algorithms that will alarm and potentially save lives, reduce waiting time at emergency rooms and healthcare costs.
Social Robotics and AI for Healthcare Communication
Led Dr. Frauke Zeller and collaborators Drs. Lima and Smith, and with industry partners IBM and Softbank Robotics, to achieve the first clinically tested implementation of a socially assistive robotics innovation (SAR) for healthcare communication by integrating Watson cognitive computing and Softbank Robotics Pepper social robotics platform.
Dr. Ayse Basar Bener, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Research focus on Big Data applications to tackle the problem of decision making under uncertainty and using machine learning methods to build recommender systems and predictive models; cognitive science to model human behaviour; and game theoretic models to determine strategies in the following domains: software analytics, health sciences and green analytics.
Dr. Ling Guan, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research interest include multimedia processing and communications, reality computing, image and video processing, machine learning, pattern recognition, human-computer interaction, visual information mining, intelligent healthcare systems, smart living, e-heritage.
Dr. Mohamad Jaber, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Research expertise includes modelling human learning and forgetting curves, workforce flexibility and productivity, inventory management, supply chain management, reverse logistics, and thermodynamic analysis of manufacturing and service systems.
Special programs and work integrated learning initiatives
Research Internship and Co-operative Internship (B. Eng in Computer Engineering) – Provides full-time, second-year/third-year undergraduate students in Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering with paid opportunities to undertake a supervised research project with a faculty member over a three-month period
The Certificate in Data Analytics, Big Data and Predictive Analytics – Launched in fall 2014, it is the only one of its kind in Canada and integrates IBM’s Watson
- AdaptCore Technologies
- Alcohol Countermeasure Systems Corp.
- Applied Recognition
- AWE Company Limited
- Dr. Robot, Inc.
- Sidewalk
- Softbank Robotics
- Toronto Hydro Electric Systems Limited
- Winston Inc.
- XMG Studio, Inc.