University-industry research partnerships
Trent University | Clean Resources
Key facilities
Institute for Watershed Science: The Institute aims to further the understanding of physical and ecological processes governing watershed function and to transfer this knowledge to support resource management decision-making.
Xenopoulos Aquatic Ecology Lab: Research in the Xenopoulos Lab is primarily aimed at understanding the effects of human activities on ecosystem structure and function of freshwater environments.
Indigenous Environmental Institute: The Institute advances knowledge by demonstrating the benefits of the interaction of environmental science and traditional knowledge. The Institute also helps indigenous communities through source water protection and waste water management training programs.
Major collaborations
Bridging the gap between land management and lake response: Led by Peter Dillon, this combined monitoring and modelling program integrates assessments of catchment and lake improvements, by directly assessing the effects of individual phosphorus reduction strategies on lake health.
Conventional and advanced wastewater treatment: Led by Chris Metcalfe, the project recommends ways to design and operate wastewater treatment plants to remove contaminants of emerging concern so that there is minimal impact from the discharge.
CO2 sequestration within the Gahcho Kué kimberlite residues: Led by Ian Power, this project works towards quantifying CO2 sequestration potential at the Gahcho Kué Diamond Mine.
Beyond Duty to Consult and Accommodate: Partnering for Success: Led by Dan Longboat, this training program explores how First Nations and Industries can work together on viable and sustainable projects that respect the values of Indigenous Peoples.
Dr. Peter Dillon, Professor. Peter specializes in biogeochemistry of lakes and their catchments. Much of his current research focuses on the cycling of elements, on the processes that control their fluxes, and on the transformations of chemical species that occur during the movement through ecosystems.
Dr. Chris Metcalfe, Professor. Chris is an expert on the determination of the environmental fate and toxic effects of organic contaminants in the aquatic environment.
Dr. Marguerite Xenopoulos, Professor. Marguerite is an Expert on the effects of human activity and land use on the materials exported and processed in aquatic ecosystems and ecosystem structure and function.
Dr. Ian Power, Canada Research Chair in Environmental Geoscience. Ian is an environmental geochemist who studies carbon sequestration and tailings management, natural analogues for carbon mineralization, and geobiological approaches to carbon management.
Special programs and work integrated learning initiatives
- Cleantech Commons Research and Innovation Site: The Cleantech Commons research park will host accelerator based start-up enterprise in clean technology fields in collaboration with the City of Peterborough, Economic Development & Innovation Cluster partners.
- Trent Climate Station: The Trent Climate Station, operated by the Blue Lab, sits on the Northern outskirts of Peterborough, Ontario. The station services Trent faculty and students, local industry and residence and Environment Canada’s Daily Climate Data archive.
- Cambium Environmental
- Cambium Indigenous Professional Services