Fredericton, NB Event: Smart skills for a smarter Canada
Leveraging university resources for better business
Uncertain economic times.
Growing demand for sophisticated skills and new knowledge.
An increasingly competitive global marketplace.
Today’s businesses must be nimble, responsive and visionary in the face of emerging challenges. Partnering with universities helps companies and communities gain this competitive advantage.
Join Paul Davidson, president of Universities Canada, as he looks at universities’ role in providing the skills, new knowledge and innovation Canada needs to compete, open up new markets and get fresh ideas to market faster.
Mr. Davidson will take you behind the scenes of today’s universities and illustrate how higher education is building prosperity through research, innovation and experiential learning. He’ll talk about the many ways universities provide young Canadians with the workforce experience, entrepreneurial skills and international and intercultural opportunities employers want and Canada needs. Learn how to harness the potential of universities to make Canada’s businesses, communities and regions stronger.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Registration: 11:45 AM
Buffet Lunch & Presentation: 12:00 Noon
Fredericton Inn
1315 Regent Street, Fredericton NB, E3C 1A1
$30 for Chamber Members
$50 for Future Chamber Members
For more information on programming and tickets, please go to the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce website.
About Universities Canada
Universities Canada is the voice of Canada’s universities at home and abroad, advancing higher education, research and innovation for the benefit of all Canadians.
Media contact:
Lisa Wallace
Assistant Director, Communications
Universities Canada
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