Il n’est jamais trop tard
Texte sur l’écran : [It’s never too late]
Julian Stonechild, Vancouver Island University :
Here at the Gathering Place, the services for aboriginal students, they – they helped me out immensely. I was unfortunately unable to obtain funding through my band, so they had resources available here on campus that would help me with my dreams of coming back to university.
I’ve chosen to study – to major in First Nations studies with a minor in history, and eventually, after my BA, get into the post-Bac program, get into some teaching, you know, helping – helping the next generation that – that’s coming up.
I took the risk, and you know, the only thing that they could say was no. You know, it’s a 50/50 – you know, that’s the way I looked at it. Either they say yes or they say no. And luckily, they said yes.
Texte sur l’écran : [Universities Canada, The voice of Canada’s universities]
Julian Stonechild, étudiant à la Vancouver Island University, décrit son parcours universitaire en tant qu’étudiant adulte et l’aide qu’il a reçue. Julian est membre de la Première Nation Muscowpetung de la Saskatchewan.
Voir les programmes et les services pour étudiants autochtones : Vancouver Island University
Vidéo et transcription disponibles en anglais seulement.
Catégorie : Collectivités fortes et inclusives, Éducation des personnes autochtones