L’effet positif des étudiants

18 novembre 2016
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Text on screen: [Universities Canada logo/Universités Canada logo]

Text on screen: [In conversation with …]

Text on screen: [Dino Trevisani, President, IBM Canada]

Text on screen: [The lasting dividends of study abroad]

Dino Trevisani: The young students that come into IBM have an energy level and an inspiration and a creativity that is inspiring and motivating to all employees. Students that are coming in have so much more knowledge. They’re shaping where technology is going. And so it’s so important to us to learn on how we shift and remake our marketplace based on what we’re learning from the students that are coming in and participating.

Text on screen: [The Voice of Canada’s Universities archives.univcan.ca]

Dino Trevisani, président d’IBM Canada, affirme que les étudiants qui arrivent chez IBM ont une énergie, une inspiration et une créativité contagieuses.

Vidéo et transcription disponibles en anglais seulement.

Catégorie :  Compétences et talent

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