Relever le défi : Le rapport Naylor et les jeunes chercheurs canadiens
Texte sur l’écran : [Rising to the challenge: The Naylor report & Canada’s young researchers]
Kristin Horsley, doctorante, l’Université McGill :
I’m a PhD candidate in clinical health psychology here at McGill, and I research how depression and anxiety influence the heart during pregnancy.
The Naylor report was an excellent example of a very broad-spectrum review of what’s going on with science research, in particular the tri-agency councils in Canada. And I think the overall message is that we need to really be investing in the early career researchers, but that kind of has to happen at a variety of levels. In your early career you also need your mentors; so while we need to support the early career researchers, there seems to be a broad recommendation for just an overall investment in Canadian research.
Researchers that I know, both at the graduate level and maybe even kind of starting out as an assistant professor, we’re just a little bit concerned. The morale seems to be not necessarily low, but we all feel we’re at an inflection point.
My expectation is that Canada and – and Canadian researchers – will rise to some of the challenges that we face today. I think that a lot of the problems that we have, whether it comes to chronic diseases or environmental issues, they’re complex. They require a variety of different perspectives in order to answer the questions and to make changes, and I think that Canada really needs to rise up to that.
Texte sur l’écran : [Logo bilingue d’Universités Canada. The Voice of Canada’s Universities.]
La prochaine génération de chercheurs et d’innovateurs canadiens a besoin d’un meilleur soutien pour réaliser son potentiel et contribuer à relever les plus grands défis de la société, allant des maladies chroniques aux questions environnementales. Kristin Horsley, doctorante en psychologie clinique de la santé à l’Université McGill, s’exprime sur le soutien à apporter aux chercheurs en début de carrière, comme le recommande le rapport du Comité consultatif sur l’examen du soutien fédéral à la science fondamentale, connu sous le nom de rapport Naylor.
*Vidéo et transcription disponibles en anglais seulement.
Catégorie : Recherche et technologie